Using dEX to Create an OnInsert Job with a dataTaker DT8x Series 2 or 3

Setup Ease of Programming with dataTaker Intelligent Dataloggers

OnInsert jobs offer users a convenient backup on USB stick when working with the popular dataTaker line of intelligent dataloggers. When done writing the program in dEX, you run the command and it creates a USB stick program to reprogram the dataTaker, and if you lose the program you can always just insert the USB in the front of the logger. This tech article will guide you through the process of OnInsert job creation to set up this convenient programming feature. All you’ll need is a dataTaker DT8x Series 2 or 3 datalogger, a 4 gig or smaller USB stick, and a PC to access the dEX programming environment.

For the initial preparation, connect to the web interface of the dataTaker.  This can be done through the DTUSB driver package using a USB cable or through a network connection.  In the case of the DT82E and DT82I, this must be done through a network connection. Now insert the USB stick in the dataTaker and wait for the ‘Reading USB Device’ message to clear. With larger USB sticks, this can take up to several minutes.

In the dEX interface, click on ‘Monitor The Logger’. After the monitoring screen comes up, click on the ‘Command’ link, then on the ‘Enable’ button on the command screen. In the bottom half of the command window, enter the command ‘FORMAT A:’. The dataTaker will then format the memory stick for its own use, which will cut down considerably on the time the dataTaker takes in the ‘Reading USB Device’ stage in future projects.

With the USB stick still in the dataTaker, and the current job running, type the command RUNJOBONINSERTALL”CONFIG”. This will create a file on the USB stick called ‘ONINSERT.DXC’ that contains all the instructions of the program currently running. If you ever need to quickly reprogram the logger, you only need to insert a USB stick with this file on it into the front USB port and then click the check mark button when the loggers asks if you want to run the ONINSERT.DXC file.